This is all so important, Jessa! Thank you for writing this. Have you connected with Heather Lowe from Ditched the Drink? She is a loud advocate for alcohol-safe / alcohol-free workplaces.

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I just connected! Thank you!! Adore you always, Laura!

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It's a great topic, for sure.

Taking it one step further, the policy component should be one of inclusivity. One negative experience I have with workplace social events or even industry social events is the lack of thought to 'fun NA options'.

You talked about creating a mindful culture in the hospitality industry earlier this year - the same type of mindfulness should be made aware to anyone creating social events in work / professional environments (callback to https://jessafrances.substack.com/p/creating-a-mindful-drinking-culture)

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ABSOLUTELY, Ed! Providing inclusive options that are just as elevated as their alcoholic counterparts is essential to any social event in, out, and around the workplace.

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